

"A GOOD DEED BRIGHTEN A DARK WORLD." Once upon a time there used to be a king who had wild dogs. If the king wanted to punish any one, then the wild dogs were left and they used to scrape them.  Once upon a time there was a small error from the minister itself, for which the king was very angry.  He punished him.  As a punishment, he ordered to leave the wild dogs on him and the minister. Recently, the minister got very upset and begged the king that I have served you a lot for 10 years and you couldn't give me a chance.   I can prove myself innocent.  Maharaj gave him 10 days to prove himself innocent. After 10 days when the dogs were released to punish him, all the wild dogs started shaking their tails and didn't harm him .  The king was taken aback asked a question to the minister, what is this? Tell me?then the minister opened his secret.  He said, Maharaj, the 10 days you gave me for deferment.  In those 10 days I have served these wild dogs a lot.  And bathed th

ख्वाबों की होली

आज न मुझको रंग देना फिर, चाहत के उस रंग में ।। जानती हूं यह शामें, क्या रंग लाएगीं तेरे संग में।। भीग जाऊंगी उन ख्वाबों में, इन आंखों ने जो देखे थे।। यूं देखकर मुझको ऐसे, ना रंग देना मेरे सपने।। आज जो तुमने किया गुलाबी, मेरे सपनों को अधरों को।। नहीं भूलूंगी तेरी सौगातें, कह देना चाहे अपनों को।। आज ही मौसम गीला है, मेरा आंचल किया तूने पीला है ।। पी लूंगी उन बरसातों को, जिस में बह जाएंगे तेरे सपने।। कह दूंगी रंगों को मैं , नहीं रहे अब, तुम मेरे अपने।।                      ✍️पूनम ✍️✍️ आप सभी को होली की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं।।


"SELF AWARENESS IS THE ACT OF SELF KINDNESS." It is said that first of all, lighten yourself and then your problems will lighten themselves. There is a need to improve within yourself to lighten yourself and if you have some bad feelings or resentment for someone, then it is very important to forgive that person from your heart. If you forgive that person then You will be lightened up, as well as your life will be like a flying bird. Only those who are adorned on their own. Can we not abandon the things that make your heart sad? When a bird can fly faster in the sky?, due to being lighter, why are not we? If you can bear the weight in your heart, then your life will never be able to fly high. And for this it is also very important to know that it is very important for us to be happy and to be happy, we need to forgive others which will be equal to reducing the burden on the mind. You should ask yourself, if someone looks at you and ignores you or does not give importance

अलबेला बचपन

ऐसा बचपन हमारा था, सौ बातों से न्यारा था।। मिल बैठकर चुटकुले सुनाते थे, नानी के घर मौज मनाते थे ।। अंताक्षरी भी गाते थे , चिड़िया की जगह गधे को उड़ाते थे।। चारपाई पर बैठ कर खूब शरबत उड़ाते थे, एक दूजे के पास बैठकर, हंसी के ठहाके लगाते थे। जब बिजली गुल हो जाती, तब छत पर चढ़ जाते थे ।। नानी से कहानी सुनते थे , और धीमे से सो जाते थे ।। बाइस्कोप वाले के आने पर , नानी से पैसे ले जाते थे । तस्वीरों को देखकर, सारे रंगीन हो जाते थे ।। शाम के ढलते ही, खूब गोलगप्पे खाते थे।। ऐसे नहीं थकते थे, नाना को घोड़ा बनाते थे।। टिन टिन की घंटी पर, कुल्फी को मुंह में जमाते थे।। सभी, सब कुछ भुला कर, सैर को जाते थे।। जब भी कोई मेहमान आता था, पास उसके बैठ जाते थे ।। ऐसा बचपन हमारा था , सौ बातों से न्यारा था।। पर आज का बचपन अलबेला है, जिसने कर दिया बच्चों को अकेला है। बच्चों को मोबाइल से फायदा है। गली मोहल्ले पार्क सुनसान है, कट्टी - पुच्ची वाले दोस्तों से अनजान है।। बच्चे कहते हैं वह बातें पुरानी हो चुकीं, हरदम उनकी जरूरत,मोबाइल और टीवी में छिपी।। अब तो दो पल को नहीं सांस मिलती है, बिना मोबाइल के म


Once upon a time, while addressing the  kingdom, the king told the people that he is organizing a competition and all the children, young ,old or anyone can participate. I will organize this competition after 15 days from today. Everybody will come to my kingdom on 15th day and I will see the hands of everyone,and I will reward him/her with a lots of gold and many other rewards, if his/her hands will be beautiful.Everyone started talking about the competition and  preparations started.  Some people started keeping hands clean, while some people took utmost care on  hands.  Some girls quit doing household chores.  Some applied nail polish.  And some people applied henna (mehndi) in their hands. People gave up work for 15 days so that their hands would look beautiful, clean, and soft. Everyone was eagerly waiting for the competition.  All the girls, children, were full of enthusiasm and courage.  On the 15th, the kingdom got crowded.  Everybody came there to show


 I use mobile for writing blogs and many ore things like whatsapp and Facebook  are  very necessary for today's world. But once I was in the market,and my both hands were full of stuff I bought from the market. At this time suddenly my mobile fell down and it has been fully damaged😭. I was shocked to see my mobile in this condition. My model  is the Samsung galaxy J2. I searched many shops for repairing my mobile. Actually I needed a perfect screen guard for my mobile  but unfortunately it was not available in any shop or any market. I was puzzled to see my mobile and wanted to see it in good condition. So,it is said that where there is  will,there is way. So I was not defeated till now I took my friend's mobile and started searching on Amazon for my screen guard.  At last,after searching more I found one website on Amazon named as mobile doctor from where I  ordered one screen guard  for my mobile. I want to share one more thing that it is the only one website fro


नए वर्ष का स्वागत है, यही मेरी इबादत है। नए वर्ष में हो नई पहल, खिले जिंदगी जैसे पुष्प गुड़हल। आगे बढ़े और बढते जाएं, आशाओं के दीप जलाएं। एक दूजे की मदद को, आगे आगे हाथ बढ़ाएं । दिल से सब को अपनाएं, पक्षियों जैसे चहचहाएं। मन हो आत्मविश्वास से भरपूर, बाधाओं को लांघें जरूर । रूके ना और मुस्कुराए, जीवन पथ पर ना डगमगाए। पहचाने खुद से स्वयं को जरूर, हर क्षण को जीएं भरपूर। आप सभी को नववर्ष की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं।।                                             ✍️पूनम✍️✍️