

Today many types of oils are available in the market. But coconut oil has its unique qualities . We know that our grandparents used to use this oil many times. Nowadays  we think that this oil is of no use and old, so  we use new oils. Today I am telling you some good qualities of coconut oil. 1.As a primer-  This oil is very effective and can be used as a primer . It will work as a base for foundation. For this you  should take some drops of coconut oil and spread it  on your face.  2.  Increase moisture in skin. To clean  and moisturizing skin,  coconut oil  can be used easily. It will also give nourishment and  nutrition to your skin . So,from today,you  use coconut oil as a moisture.   3.   Increases beauty of nails  If you apply coconut oil on your nails you can get strong and beautiful nails.  To get strong nails you have to give a slow massage to your nails  every night.( Before going to bed). 4.As a  good scrub  It can be used as a good scrub. For making scrub ,you

आपका वक्त कैसा है?

वक्त गुजरा है? या वक्त कटा है ? सोचना यह है, वक्त ने आपको वक्त पर क्या सिखाया है? वक्त बहुत कम है , या वक्त बहुत अधिक है? सोचना यह है, वक्त ने उठाया है या आपको गिराया है? वक्त अपना है? या बेगाना है? वक्त बहुत कड़वा है, या मधुर तराना वक्त ने सुनाया है?  वक्त बेईमान है? या आपका अभिमान है? सोचना यह है , क्या वक्त ने रो कर हंसना सिखाया है?                       ✍️ पूनम ✍️ ✍️

How I celebrated my Diwali

I was a little busy during the festival of Diwali but today as you know I want to tell you something about the festival of lights called Diwali.   I  had started the day with small puja. We all sat together in the pujan and chanted mantras. I was feeling very good and light. You know mantras purifies home and lightens up the soul. I suggest that if you have any trouble   and have mental health issues then hawan is a great solution for that.  After hawan I decorated my home.  I have been cleaning my home for the last few days but today I wanted to give the final touches to my home. There were some things like hindola ,bandhanwar,flower arrangement,rangoli, lighting arrangements, candles and Ganesha idols which I had decorated my home with. We celebrated Diwali by buying sweets,gifts,and candles,diyas ,batasha,and kheel. We went to our relatives' home ,burnt some pollution free crackers. At 6'O clock we wors

मेरा चांद

चांद थोड़ा रुक कर आना, अ धरों पर यह प्यास बढ़ाना।। दीपक की लौ ना बुझने पाए, जब तक मीत ना सामने आए।। करवों की निशा जो आई, प्रेम की महक बढ़ाने आई।। पिया की में राह तकूं, जब सोलह श्रंगार करूं।। आत्मसमर्पण है तो, प्रेम भी है, यही मेरी पूजा का धयेय भी है।। निकट कभी जो आओगे , सहसा तुम मेरे हो जाओगे ।। करवा चौथ का व्रत में भी रखूं, प्रेम पूर्ण नीर को मैं भी चखूं।। ✍पूनम✍️✍️   आप सभी को करवा चौथ की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं।।


हंसने की वजह चाहिए, जीने का जुनून चाहिए। जिंदगी बहुत लंबी है, यारों, कुछ तो उसूल होने चाहिए। पैदल ही रास्ता है सबका,  जीवन अर्थ पूर्ण होना चाहिए।  गम करने से क्या होगा?  सांसों का भी मूल्य होना चाहिए।                                 ✍️पूनम✍️✍️


Hello friends All Indians use garlic but there are some people who do not use garlic because of its smell.  Garlic is full of many properties.  It contains many anti-oxidants.  Many diseases can also be relieved by its use, such as diabetes, heart disease, stomach infections and seasonal diseases etc.  Garlic also keeps our skin and hair healthy.  This makes the hair thick and strong. We should make garlic a part of our beauty routine, which can strengthen the skin and hair.  There are many benefits of garlic which are as follows-  1. If you have itching, burning or rash in your skin, then garlic is the only medicine that can get rid of all these things.  What do we have to do for this? Just start using garlic.  Wherever you are having this problem in the skin, make a paste of a clove of garlic and apply it.  This will bring relief.  Apart from this, applying garlic paste mixed with cream in milk also gets rid of all kinds of problems.  2. If the skin has come from a pimple


SUCCESS IS SIMPLE, DO WHAT'S RIGHT.. RIGHT WAY, AT THE RIGHT TIME. Today I have brought a new and different story for you. It is said that we should face  difficult situations with more strength and  we should always be fearless. But today's story  tells us that if we are positive then we should do things better. My story is a fact of someone's life and it will teach us something new and innovative. I knew one person named murli who sold dahi vada on the road. He used to wake up early in the morning and reach the  chopatti side area and he used to make hygienic and delicious vadas.  After a  lot of hard work and strong determination, he bought a hotel. He earned  each penny by his hard work and sacrifice. Now his customers came to the hotel and slowly he became a rich person.  He was handling all the work very efficiently and successfully. After some time he got married and had two sons. When he became old his son started handling the hotel.  He spe