
True Wealth

Today, I am telling you one short incident related to Guru Nanak ji.   Once upon a time , one person asked to Guru Nanak ji that why am I  so poor? Please give me answer of my question?  Guru Nanak ji said that you are poor because you have not learn to give. That person said that but I have nothing to give. Then Guru Nanak ji said that   , your beautiful face  can give one smile, your mouth can do praise someone,you can say  two good words to give relief someone, your hands can do help to  needy person. But you are saying that you have nothing to give.   If your soul is poor then it is called true poorness.  When you can give then you  have  right to get. So  never say to yourself poor . God have gave  more than one quality to everyone to earn or to-save his life.So always say to god- TERA BHANDA MEETHA LAAGE. It means that  oh!!! lord what you will give us ,we will except  with our both hands,happily ,and with gratitude .  . If you like my articles then stay connected wit


Hello friends!!! How are you. I hope you are doing well in your life. Friends, we need necessary entertainment in our daily routine. So , yesterday I watched the movie  named PATNA SHUKLA produced by Arbaaz Khan. I  Just want to tell you ,that this movie is  based on true  story . I liked it very much. It was realistic, and  good movie. You can  watch it with your family . This movie spreads light on the real problem of our society  like bribe,and results issues  facing by our shining students . The main character Tanvi Shukla's role played by Raveena Tondon. This story shows that we should stand  with truth.Tanvi Shukla who fought her fight with confidence,and dignity inspite she was already buzzed in  her own  life problems.      In my view all students and the peeps of our nation should watch this movie to know about rinki yadav and all bright students who fought their fight but they  couldn't get justice. PATNA SHUKLA is interesting mash  up of famil


खुश रहिए। आज के युग में, खुश रहना ही, उपयुक्त धर्म है।। -✍️पूनम✍️✍️


बड़ा होना इस बात से, सिद्ध होता है कि आप, कितने सहज और सरल हैं?                     -✍️पूनम✍️✍️

मुझ में है।

जिसे ढूंढा जमाने में, वह मुझ में है। जिसे चाहा जी भर के, वह मुझ में है। जिसे पाया खुदा से, वह मुझ में है। जिसे मांगा सबसे, वह मुझ में है। जिस ओर दिल की राहें खुलें, वह मुझ में है। जिस अनंत को, ब्रह्मांड में खोजा, वह मुझ में है। जो सफर तय कर रहा हूं, वह मंजिल मुझ में है। क्यों बाहर, खोजता रहा, खुशियों को, यह उम्र भर की, उदासी मुझ में है।                   -  ✍️पूनम✍️✍️

मुझे लिखना है।

मुझे लिखना है,उस दिल के लिए, जो तनहा है पर बेहद मीठा। मुझे लिखना है ,उस सांस के लिए, जो धीमी सी आहट देती है। मुझे लिखना है बेपनाह प्रेम के लिए, जो अधूरा होने पर भी तृप्त है। मुझे लिखना है उस चेहरे के लिए, जिसकी बेश कीमती मुस्कुराहट, मुझे आकर्षित करती है। मुझे लिखना है उसके वास्ते, जिसके अलग है रास्ते। मुझे लिखना है उस लेखनी से, जो मेरे स्वाभिमान की है। स्याही उसे बनाकर बेपनाह, प्रेम की उम्मीदों को जगाना है तुममें और धीरे से कागज पर कुछ निशान, छोड़नै हैं जो, तुम्हारे दिल को छूए।।              -✍️पूनम ✍️✍️

The Pitcher

Once a man was trying to build his house  for many years but was not able to get it built, for this he went to an astrologer and told his problem to the astrologer, then the astrologer said that your house will be built but for this you have to  You will have to do one thing, hang a pitcher crookedly on the tree🌳  and I assure you that within a short time your house will be built and all those difficulties which are coming in your way will be destroyed.   The man did the same to him. He first went and hung a pitcher on the tree with the help of a rope. After some time his house was built. He returned to the astrologer and said that because of you miracles  happened in my life .Sir,  Thank you very much, then the astrologer said, I have not done anything, all these are the blessings of the bird which has made its home inside the pitcher, you go to home and check your pitcher. The bird has made a nest in the pitcher and it kept giving you blessings for the whole year.  Bec