
In summer vacations everyone searches for a place for enjoying vacations.  There is a state it is small but beautiful and cool, yes it is GOA.  It is very nice place to visit there are many monuments, beaches, museum, forts, spice plantations, temples, churches and many more and even I visited there.  It was a great place here is a list of places to visit with there explanations and with there history. 

               AGUADA FORT

It is located in North Goa near Candolim Beach. This Fort is red and very big and have a light house in it.  That light house is located at the roof of the Fort.  From the roof of the Fort we can see a beautiful seen and the gate of the Fort is very big and beautiful. There is a model of full fort at the roof of the Fort. At the roof of the Fort very cool wind blows. This fort was very amazing and beauuuuuutiful. 

              SINQUERIM BEACH
             SINQUERIM FORT

This Fort and beach are together located the Fort is located on beach.  This Fort is very amazing and cool.  When the waves comes and touch the Fort the water of the waves comes on our face and this experience is very amazing and fantastic. So if you visit Goa so please visit this place. 

The beach is amazing and beautiful.  This beach is small but the the air which blows with the tides is very cool and relaxing. 


1.                   BAGA BEACH

 This beach is very bright and beautiful and charming. This beach have number of restaurants and bars, it also have a number of activities that you can enjoy. It is very nice beach to visit. There are activities like motor boating, paragliding, scuba dive etc. 

2.          CANDOLIM BEACH

This beach is located near Aguada Fort. When you go to the Aguada Fort so you can go to this beach and enjoy. This beach is beautiful and calm it also have beautiful shells. You can simply sit in sand and enjoy weather.

3.          AGONDA BEACH

This beach contains big rocks pieces with some sand and also have a sloping surface.  At that surface we can stand and the waves comes touch our feet and go back that beach it is a perfect place to do photography also.  This is a beautiful place for enjoying and doing fun. 

4.           ANJUNA BEACH

This beach is like agonda beach but some different. It has rocks but some of them were small and there was a face which was carved in the rock. This beach is best for passing time. 

             TEMPLES & LAKE


 It is located near Usago . Lata mangeskar  look after this  temple, & she  gives donation for  this temple every year. This  temple is beautifully carved & some rooms were also build for  people  who want  to stay  there . There  was a big  tower for  keeping  the  diyas . From  inside  the  temple   is made  up  of  pure  silver. This was built in the honour of God Shiva. This temple was very calm and gives good feeling from inside.


This temple was built in the honour of Goddess  Durga  Ji . It is beautifully  carved   and classic. Inside  this  temple  there  is  a statue  of Durga ,which  is  beautiful. This  temple have many stone pillars,which  are  beautifully carved. This temple gives  satisfaction  and  relax to our body  and  mind.

3.           BUBBLE LAKE

This  lake has a very big stone  slab in the middle of it. This is  very  special lake as when we clap small bubbles starts coming  in the  lake . There are some Tiger fishes in this  lake. You can easily dip your legs in the pond and enjoy. 



This church is very famous as in this church there is mummy of a priest. This place is very famous as many tourists and people visits this. This church is very beautiful and nice and inspiring also.


This church is very beautiful and attractive it has many stairs which goes right to left and then again left to right this is beautiful from inside also.  It was inspiring too.

3.           SE CATHEDRAL 

It  is very beautiful church it has a big  chandelier at the middle of the church.  This  church  was  very  big  and beautiful . At one  side of the  church there  was Jesus and  at the  opposite  side  of it  St. Mary .  The entry of this  church  was  very  big.  The  church  was  very  inspiring and beautiful.


This museum was located near Basicala of bom Jesus, The  museum  and the church  was opposite  to each  other. The museum was very beautiful there were some artifacts related to Lord shiv and there were some artifacts related to Vasco da Gama and goa.  There was a model of a ship in the museum and there was anchors also.  There was a big statue of a king. There were some guns related to wars. There was many inspiring things in museum.



At this plantation there were organic food. They welcome us with flowers and some tea and some flakes. There were some guide which shows us the plantations like vanilla. Chilli, cashews , how fenny was made and many more this place was amazing and inspiring and close to nature.



This name given to this waterfall because when it flows it looks like milk that's why it's called DUDHSAGAR. This water fall is very beautiful and attractive to tourists. We have to arrive to a office and took tickets and hire a Jeep and they take us to the falls.  This falls is very much inspiring and close to nature.

                SHIPS CASINOS


This ship was for gamblers many people goes in this ship for gambling this is fun for mens. The bars and the casino make this ship Royale and famous there are some normal ships for party and enjoyment at PANAJI .


  •  The food of goa was very good and tasty the regular and famous food was crabs, pawns, fish and many more. 
  • The food of goa is very popular and attractive
  • Some restaurants are FISHERMEN'S COVE, BRITOS 
  • The bars of goa were very attractive. 
  • Babinca was the sweet dish of goa. It was very sweet and tasty. 


This market was very cheap market in goa. This market was attractive  too.  In this marketplace the bananas was very big and heavy this market have good clothes and other items like decorating items was also in this market.

2.          TIBETAN MARKET

This market was beautiful and attractive as this market was having decorative items and many house hold items and statues also this market is an good example of tradition.

Goa was a beautiful and attractive place and very inspiring.  So I hope that you will also go to the goa and enjoy your holiday vacation


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