Today I want to tell you the story of a woman whose life story is very close to my heart, then you are ready, then let's start with her name.  Siya was a very nice woman. She lived in Calcutta. She was slowly getting intoxicated due to which her job ,car and accumulated capital was all seized by the police. She was so tired in her life that she could not recover from this addiction, due to which she had gone to jail 10 times, suddenly there was a change in her life due to which she was inclined towards God, now she has started believing in God and is absorbed in her devotion.  She used to live and whatever she found was considered to be by the grace of God, Siya had to face a police inspector every time she went to jail many times, due to which they both had a confrontation situation. The name of this police spectator was  Vipin.

 After a few years, Vipin became very ill and he had a kidney problem. His daughter gave him a kidney but after four to five years he started responding to his second too, when Siya forgave him for not having a grudge against him.  And proved to be helpful to him and he chose Vipin to deliver his kidney and saved his life. Now Sia's drug addiction is completely gone and is very happy in itself.

 Vipin never knew that the person who is in such a big trouble for you and is also struggling with the problems himself can help you and she proved to be a boon for him.He saw God in siya.  God sent him to help.

 If Siya listened to it, the Vipin Police Spector had caused a lot of trouble in her life, every time they would hold her and put her in jail. Who knew that the person because of which she has faced so many difficulties today  Will go to help him.

 So today with this story and a new education has brought us to the point that you can be useful to any person at any time, so never misbehave with anyone and God will help you if you walk on the path of honesty.  For sure, God will never forget you, if you are a good person, then surrender all your actions to God and keep on doing. Don't get drugged.It is harmful for mental and physical health.

 Vipin never thought in life that the person with whom he has treated this way will give him life, that is, God is present everywhere and he will surely listen to you.

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