Power of words

Once upon a time there were two brothers Bhavesh and Shivesh who used to live together.  Once a fight broke out between the two brothers.  Bhavesh called Shivesh and there was an argument between them.  Bhavesh uttered some abusive words to his younger brother.  Now Bhavesh became restless in his mind because there was a lot of love between the two brothers but when the fight started, they started to hate each other. Now his restlessness was not ending. He was getting minded from all this.  He could not understand, how to cure his restlessness? How to divert  his mind?   The problem was very serious.  He wanted to be busy with his work.  But the restlessness in his mind was such that he was not forgetting that fight.  Then he remembered his guru ji and started thinking in his mind that maybe my guru ji would be able to find a solution to this problem. He went to his guru ji. Guruji was feeding pigeons in his hut. He asked Bhavesh  Tell me why did you come?  So Bhavesh said, Guru ji, today  there was a  quarrel  between my brother and me and it reached to such an extent that I abused Shivesh.  From that moment till now I am feeling guilty and cannot forget it. You tell me how do I solve this problem?

 Guruji listened carefully and understood the problem.  Then Guru ji said, go Bhavesh, collect all the feathers of pigeons in this basket and bring them.  Bhavesh picked up the basket and collected all the fallen feathers of the pigeons and brought it to Guruji, Guruji said, go there is a crossroads a few miles away, go there and scatter all these feathers.  Bhavesh did as his Guruji told him.  He went to the crossroads and scattered all his wings and returned to Guruji.  He said to Guru ji, Guru ji, I have completed your work.  After a while, Guruji said, go Bhavesh, take this basket and collect all the feathers that you had put at the crossroads, bring them back here. Bhavesh got upset and said to Guru ji - what ?  Will I find those wings over there now?  Will I be able to bring him? Guruji said Bhavesh, do as I  have said.  Bhavesh went to the crossroads but did not find a single feather of a pigeon there.  He returned sad.  And said to Guruji, Guruji, all those wings got blowned away by the wind.  How can I get them now?  You tell me only then Guru ji said Bhavesh, this is the solution to your problem.  Bhavesh was stunned he said how guru ji?  Guruji explained to him, Bhavesh, the way in which the pigeon feathers kept by you cannot be brought back.  In the same way, what you have told Shivesh cannot be taken back.  If you say something to someone, it cannot be returned. We should speak them carefully because once spoken, the words do not come back again. Words that came out of mouth cannot be taken back, Bhavesh understood. 

 Bhavesh held Guruji's feet and said, Guruji, from today I understood that I should not have said big words and abusive words to Shivesh because once these abusive words reach him, then I cannot take them back .  Trapped in this puzzle of words, Bhavesh had now found a solution and he took a vow from himself that whenever he speaks to someone from the future, he will speak thoughtfully.

 From this story, it becomes clear that we should use words thoughtfully, words leave a deep impression on the heart of man, along with words, we should also control our thinking, never think bad for anyone.  By speaking  actions are created and destiny is created by actions, that is, why while using our tongue, we should think that we should not speak abusive words because spoken words never come back but problems does. 

Before talking🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁
                       Connect the tongue
                        to the brain.🍁🍁🍁


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