

Mr. Walia was a best friend of my father. They'd work together in a Bank. This is true story which  I am sharing with you today. Mr Walia was a gentle person and God fearing man. He worked hard. He went to satsang every Saturday and Sunday. He helped  , poor and needy persons. He also joined NGO's and he was living his life happily with his family.He  devoted his whole life in the government service of Bank. Once upon a time there was the marriage of her daughter and Mr Walia was very busy in the arrangements of her daughter's marriage. For this he  wanted to take holiday of two or three days. But unfortunately his time of retirement was also very close. So, he can't take a single holiday for anything.     One day he was doing preparations and handling all those things which were very important for his family. But side by side he went to office for his attendance on the register . For some reason he couldn't 't go to office. He was very afraid because his l

खामोशी एक साज

क्यों आप से मिलने का मन करता है? थोङा मुस्कुराने से दिल खिलता है। आंखें चुराने से प्यास लगती है। नजरें मिलाने से और बढती है। क्यों कुछ कर गुजरने को मन करता है? यूं बनने संवरने को दिल कहता है? क्यों  अंतः ध्वनि को तुम तक पहुंचने में  दिवस लगता है? अंततः ये ध्वनि मेरे हदय की है न, अब तुम मौन हो, कुछ कहने दो ना। बांहों में छिपा लो अब, खामोशी में प्रेम झलकता है सब। श्वासों को चढने व उतरने दो, बस यूँ ही समय निकलने दो। आंखों की गहराई में , तस्वीरों को बनने दो। जब से मिले हो तुम, होश  हो गये, तन्हाई में गुम। जीना होगा जीवन को आज, तन्हाई में भी गाने होगे साज। मानो जीवन को एक पहेली, वही एकमात्र मेरी सहेली। दिल से न जीत पाए हम, क्योंकि चाहने लगे हैं तुमको अब। खुशी के  हैं बहाने बहुत, नेत्रों में जो बस गये तुम कब? दिल के गीतों को बजने दो। थोड़ा और संवरने दो। समय की गहराई में, छिप कर मेरी तन्हाई में। अनजानी राहों पर, आगे और निकलने दो। राहों पर रूक रूक कर, अब सांसों को चलने दो।                                                   🌹 पूनम✍️✍️✍️


The peel of banana is very good For dark circles of eyes. You are thinking about the a long procedure of removing the dark circles. SO,friends  not to worry about the procedure, because it is so simple if you can do it. REMOVE BLACK DARK CIRCLES  First of all take white fibers and some alovera  jel and mix them properly and apply on your dark circles. After 15 minutes wash your eyes. For removing dark circles, you have to apply this mixture continuously for some days then you will get your eyes without black dark circles soon. REMOVE WART EASILY  To, remove wart from your skin rub the peel of banana on it. This peel is very helpful to remove it but you have to apply this process when they are small in size.Do this rubbing continuously. After some time you will get results ie wart will become small and after some time the spot of this wart will clean. SPOTS WILL FINISHED This peel is full of anti oxidants,which help in removing the spots from the skin and  glowing your s


               To be happy in this world, first you          need a cell phone, and then you need        an airplane. Then you are tru ly         wireless. The use of mobile phones must not be allowed in schools. Schools are a temple of knowledge in our society. They are con sidered even above the religious places by a student. A school has and should have an environment of purity.    On the other hand, the mobile phones are just opposite of nature of school. They make people addicted toward themselves, indulge people in wrong deeds and are just a source of  Distraction.  Cell phones in schools are  dangerous, disruptive and not necessary.      This is mentioned by some of our teachers but we are still of the opinion that this is not correct.  All of us know that allowing cell phones in schools will give rise to an unhealthy, unwanted competition as students with expensive latest model phones.  Everything has its own advantages and disadvantages. Some have more advant


All of us know that bananas are good for health, but nobody knows that peel of banana is also very useful. Yes!! If you throw peel of banana then this post is for you. Peel is very benificial for our skin. Let me tell you that how the peel of banana can bring beauty to your skin . 1.Take peel of banana and mash it. Mix lemon juice and honey and apply it on your face for 15 minutes . After 15 minutes wash your face with the help of scrub .From this mask, the amount of oil on the face will be controlled and the color will improve. 2. Take the peel of two bananas, and mix the  1 spoon of powder of dry peel of orange. Make a paste by mixing curd in it and apply for 30 minutes on your face. Wash your face with water.  Mask that remove dryness of face-  Grind the peel of banana and mix lemon juice in the paste. Apply this paste on your face till dry and wash your face with water. This mask helps to make face soft and shiny. This peel helps to remove wrinkles and dead skin and


"Guru Brahma, Guru Vishnu, Gurur Devo Maheshwarah. Guru Sakshaat Parabrahma, Tasmai Shri Gurave Namah. " It means that , Our teacher is like Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh which is called trideva, Brahma is a creator, Vishnu is a protector and preserver, and Lord Shiva (Maheshwarah) is a Destroyer of the universe . So, our teacher is like a God. Whole universe runs on his power and desire. I bow in the front of my respected  teacher,who enlightened my path and  support in every aspect of life. Teacher like God are always blessed with a miracle stick.           Once upon a time one merchant went to his guru's home. He was in trouble. He said to the guru to gave him a  mantra.  Guru gave him RAM name as a mantra, by the heartly learning, his life can change quickly . Merchant was unsatisfied by this mantra, because according to him this is the easy mantra and he already knowed RAM mantra.He said to the guru , please give me another mantra which can show miracle in hi


Hi everyone! ! Rakshabandhan is a holy festival of Hindus. This festival is celebrated for a strong and lovely relationship of brothers and sisters and both are joined by the pious thread OF RAKHI. The relationship  of brother and sister defines a bond of love and life long defence given by  brother to her sister . In this festival, sisters tie a  thread around the wrist of her brother and tilak on his forhead and pray for his good health, Wealth and long life. In return of this emotional and spiritual bond of thread, he gives a special gift like chocolates, money, and other gifts.       This is a main festival of every one because no one is untouched by the power of the  this beautiful thread of RAKHI.     In this festival sisters speak some words for her brother. These lines are -              "12  mah, chaubees pakh.              Raja ram chandra  ji di rakh." "" It means that God help you in any condition and time. You shine like sun and you get