

This story is about a person who  played an important role in not only his career but in his parents life.  He is connected with every single person by his positive attitude and thoughts.   You want to know about his life, and childhood. I am throwing light on his life, efforts and achievements  by this post. This story is dedicated to all those people who  are sacrificing and are going in forward direction without defeated by any financial or difficult circumstances and who are changing themselves for others. "If, opportunity doesn't knock, build a door."        A  naughty boy with simple outlook and average student of ICSE Board  named Bhaskar lived in a small city of UP.   He was a student of  a sharp mind and sincere for all his actions. As time passed he passed matriculation and then Intermediate examinations. He belongs to  a middle class family and his father was govt.  Employee.  "Dream big, stay positive, work hard, and enjoy the journey."


In our daily food, we give no importance to seeds. But these seeds are really full of vitamins, minerals, protein,and antioxidants. You can use these seeds in salad and smmothy. If it is possible then you should eat  raw seeds.  1. PUMPKIN SEEDS - It is a good source of vitamin B, Iron, megnisium, zinc, protein and amino acid. This seed is very useful for the patient of depression. It controls anxiety and flw of blood in veins.   You can eat pumpkin seeds raw or roasted with tea or coffee.You can make some LADOOS of pumpkin seeds by using jaggery. We can use pumpkin seeds oil for making vegetables and daal also.but one thing which is necessary to remember is that, don't cook these seeds.  SUNFLOWER SEEDS - These seeds are full source of vitamin B, vitamin E. These seeds are useful for hair and skin. You can use these seeds in muffins and cookies to make them more crispy. Sunflower seeds are more beneficial for CANCER DISEASE. Don't use salt with these seeds because


"Tommorow is the first blank page of 365 page book. Write a good one. " Today,I am talking about some resolutions which should be taken by every human being who live on the holy earth.    Tommorow a new beginning, a new day, a new ambition, a new morning, a new mind make up, new deals, with ourselves and supreme power. Off course, a day of New Year should be full of positivity, entertainmen, aand resolutions.    You can make resolutions to ourselves that you should not speak lie anymore. Because from my point of view truth is God. Being true with ourselves and everyone is a best virtue of a human being. Truth is a base of every relationship.   You should make balance in your earnings and givings. You should give one fourth of your earnings to poor or needy person as a charity.    You should be calm and stable in any difficult position. It can be your examination that how you can manage your imotions like anger and anxiety. In my opinion  every soul is  powerful a


Yeah!! we are at the end of this year! Finally at the end and today is 25 December means CHRISTMAS DAY. The day of joy, happiness, love and a lots of decoration. Only 6 days to go for new year. Let's leave all that and concentrate on Christmas day. If I am not wrong you all may be busy in decorating your home and of course your Christmas tree. I had Decorated my Christmas tree but this time I was having an question that I am wasting a lot of money  in a artificial Christmas tree why I can't spend it into buying some plants and put them indoor or outdoor. I was having a budget of ₹500 and some how I spended ₹200 in tree and its decoration. And about₹100 in buying some indoor and outdoor plants. I bought 2 syngonium and 2 seasonal plants. So I request all of you to plants and support us and protect our environment. LET'S SAVE US AND OUR ENVIRONMENT AND DO SOMETHING GOOD ON THIS CHRISTMAS EVE.     Let's change  polluted air int


   OH! MY DEAR SANTA Come Santa, remove my pain   Don't go anywhere, again....     This is my heartiest wish,       Please give me, smile and fame. Today is Christmas, and I am,     Waiting for you. It's my fault, that         I was busy in the whole month, but           I am saying within the depth of my             Heart, please upgrade my happiness              Cart.............. Bring lots of gifts and buckets of     Love, some chocolates, lollipops,and         Cakes and gems for me.......             Don't forget your children are here,                Please, Santa, don't go anywhere...                        Your loving child,                                Poonam     🎅🎄 Merry Christmas to all the   readers of BLOG Ray of hope.🎄🎅

दिल का प्रश्न

प्रश्न था मेरा मुझसे, आज, क्या सही किया तुमने, दिल से दिल को जोङा है? या, शीशे से दिल को, तोड़ा तुमने ? अन्तःकरण से आया  एक स्वर। जाने लगा है, तू किधर? क्या सोचा है कभी तुमने? दिल तो है, परमात्मा का घर, प्रेम तथा पवित्रता से गर , ओतप्रोत होने दे दिल को। जाना तुमको भी है, अपने घर। आज प्रसन्न हूँ, मैं क्योंकि, उस दिल को कभी था, जोङा मैने। तन्हाई में मैंने भी, सागर की लहरों को, कभी था छेड़ा मैने। मीठे से उस दिल को, जोङकर था छोङा मैने। मधुरता से पूर्ण इस दिल की, श्वासों को किया था मैने बलिदान, चाहते हुए भी न चाहा था, उस बेमतलब से दिल को तुमने। एक परमात्मा ही है तेरा सार, आखिरी पल संभाला था देकर प्यार । श्वासो की इस माला को, पिरोया जिसने, जोङा जिसने । पाया मैने उसको था। खोलकर दिल को छोङा जिसने , दर्द से परिपूर्ण जीवन था। जीवन से दर्द , किया थोङा उसने।                         ✍️पूनम✍️✍️✍️


The face does not look tired only by hard work, if your face is exhausted then it needs some extra care. To keep the face fresh, add these things to your beauty routine too. LEMON FACE WASH In order to freshen up the face first, face should be washed with cold water and face wash. Most lemon added face wash is filled with freshness and cooling qualities. With the smell of such face wash, you will start feeling fresh again. Facial wash with lemon also cleans up the skin well. MAGIC OF COFFEE SCRUB To remove bacteria and dead skin from the skin it is necessary to scrub regularly. Use coffee for scrub. Antioxidants in the coffee will make the face shine by removing dead skin and making the blood flow better. Do MASSAGE FROM OLIVE OIL Massage puts magical effect on the skin. Olive oil is very good for massage because it contains plenty of antioxidants in the face, always massage from the bottom to top in the face, at least 20 minutes after massage, face with cold water. Wash