

Hello !!  All of you.  What are you guys doing at the moment?  I hope all of you are fine.  I know that it has been almost a month in view of this important situation in many countries.  We can only do one thing by following the lockdown rules seriously.  I am very busy at the moment and want you guys to keep yourself busy. At this time it is a challenging task for everyone how they spend their time.  If we spend time happily, we will be able to deal with the corona epidemic.  It is very challenging that we also engage our children in creative and innovative activities.  But how ?  That is what to think. If you ask me, I will say that it is a little easier for me.  Because my son is good at drawing and taking care of plants is his only love. These paintings are made by him as shown in this post.  I want to say that sketching and coloring of him is very impressive. All he needs is a drawing sheet and some crayons or oil pastel colors to make a nice and beautiful painting.


आज की नई सुबह में, जो मैंने मुट्ठी खोली है।। देखकर इस हथेली को, चूमी रेखाओं की टोली है। बदलनी होंगी यह रेखाएं, मिला आज है फिर अवसर।। देनी होगी स्वयं को दिशाएं, कह रहा हूं चेहरे को पढ़कर।। दिशाहीन नहीं है होना, अब नहीं बनना किसी का खिलौना।। रुक कर, थम कर, उठ कर, गिर कर।। खुद ही है, स्वयं को खोजना, अब दूंगा अंजाम उन वादों को।। जो खुद से मैंने कर डाले हैं, पाकर उन मुकामों को, करने अंधेरे में उजाले हैं।।                                ✍️ पूनम✍️✍️


If your hair is too oily then this post is for you. You should know that what are the reasons of oily hair and how we can get rid of this problem .   You shampoo your hair to remove oil from them,but excessive use of it is not good for your hair. you should follow some beauty tips to get good hair which are given below . 1.  If your hair is oily then apply some baby powder in the roots of hair. This will give strength to your hair and powder will absorb extra oil from your hair. 2. Don't use the conditioners often. If you use conditioner then you should not apply  it in the roots of hair . 3. Don't use hot water to wash your hair. 4. Take  some water and add some lemon juice and keep it in refrigerator. Massage your head with this mixture after washing  hair. You should apply this  in dry hair. 5. Take yolk of two eggs. Mix olive oil and honey in it and apply this on your hair for 25 minutes. At last wash hair with  shampoo and do this  once in a week. It will gi

मैं औरत हूं!!!

जो कुछ ठान लेती हूं, करके दिखाती हूं।  मैं औरत हूं ।।  टूटने लगूं मैं तो क्या ? परिवार को जोड़ कर रखती हूं । मैं औरत हूं।।  करती हूं बेनकाब सबको,  मैं,खुली किताब हूं।  मैं औरत हूं।।  सुबह से लगती हूं , रात को थमती हूं। मैं औरत हूं।।  आंखें गीली है तो क्या?  हर आंसू का हिसाब लेती हूं।  मैं औरत हूं।।  अनजानो को अपना बनाती हूं,  हर पल मुस्कुराती हूं। मैं औरत हूं।।  कहें लोग मुझे बेजुबान,  पर रखती  हूं अपनी अलग पहचान।  मैं औरत हूं।।                         ✍️  पूनम✍️✍️ Happy women's day to all of you....


Hi!!! everyone  As you know it is the season of festivals. Firstly Basant Panchami,then Mahashivratri and now it's time to celebrate lndia's most popular and vibrant festival Holi. It's a festival of Hindus and festival of, love, affection ,fun and brotherhood.  There are some ways to celebrate Holi in beautiful manner. 1. Firstly take away your children from  bonefire  of Holikadahan. 2. Don't use  harsh colours.use pink and yellow colour to avoid any type of infection. There  are lead oxide in black colour, mercury sulfide in red, aluminium bromide in silver and copper sulphate in green colour. 3. Use herbal  colours only to avoid skin problems and,rashes . 4 Wear goggles to cover your eyes and caps to cover your hair. 5 Wear clothes so that it covers your body as much possible. 6  Don't throw colours on animals because they are speechless but it is very harmful for them. They can die. 7 Before going to celebrate Holi ,apply mustard oil on your


Hi everyone!!!  It is said that couples are made in heaven. It is true or not. No one can say. But we can make our relationship more strong with someone  who is close to heart and loves you a lot. In modern times husband wife relationship needs  some promises.To make good and beautiful relation there is need of change in our nature,and actions. So, today I am telling you about some new and exciting facts which should be improved for happy married life. Before starting I want to wish you happy valentine's day . This article is specifically for those who  are  celebrating valentine's day  want to bring more sweetness in their lives and relations.    Give surprise to  your beloved  To  bring, freshness  in your relationship you have to give some gift or surprise or can do some  cute actions for your beloved. You can arrange special dinner party for your loves one. This is very important and lovely feeling  which will give anaspect to your life. Keep away your

कल और आज

कल तक मैं गुमनाम थी , आज मैं मशहूर हूं।।  कल तक में बेखौफ थी,  आज  मैं मजबूर हूं । कल तक मैं बावरी थी,  आज मैं साबरी हूं । कल तक मैं छोटी थी,  आज मैं जवान हूं।  कल तक मैं खुश थी, आज मैं खुशनसीब हूं।  कल तक मैं प्यार में थी,  आज मैं प्रेम हूं।  कल तक मैं बेजुबान थी,  आज मैं जांबाज हूं।  कल तक मैं उड़ती थी,  आज मैं स्वतंत्र हूं।  कल तक बंदिशें थी मुझ पर,  आज बेड़ियां तोड़ती हूं।  कल तक मैं रोशनी थी,  आज मैं दीप प्रज्वलित करती हूं।  कल तक मैं नासमझ थी,  आज मैं समझदार हूं।  कल तक में सीधी थी,  आज मैं सादगी में हूं।   कल तक आकांक्षाएं थी,  आज मैं क्षमा वार हूं।  कल तक हर बात जुबां पर थी,  और आज मैं जवाबदार हूं।  कल तक मैं किरण थी, आज मैं प्रकाश हूं।  कल तक मैं जिम्मेदारी थी,  आज मैं जिम्मेवार हूं।  कल तक मैं पास थी,  आज मैं सिर्फ एहसास हूं।  कल तक मैं जवाब थी , आज खुद जुबान हूं।  कल तक में एक ईंट  थी, आज मंदिर की शान हूं।                                           ✍️ ✍️पूनम✍️✍️