

It is about those days when my friend and I used to study together.  He was a very good friend of mine, we used to play together, share lunchboxes, chat together, and laugh, joke and study and share many things. One day my friend told me that his health isIis nothnot  going good.It has been bad for a long time and he has been taking many medicines for longtime regularly.  I assured him that he would get well soon.   A few days later, when we came in the tenth class, I came to know that due to taking too much antibiotics, his kidney has become a problem and one kidney has stopped working at all, so now his treatment started. Finally my friend  living on the single kidney.   Time was passing. When my friend and I reached 12th class, I came to know that he had some difficulty in the heart.  Due to this, he started living very ill life. And he was also taking a lot of medicines, due to which the heart was affected.At present time he has a hole in his heart.   Today my friend Is


Nowadays, all human beings are seen with a lot of trouble, there are many reasons behind it.Why people do not understand what they want from themselves money, family, peace or success?   First of all it is necessary to be clear that what is a human being? Is a soul or a body? If it is a body,who has all the comforts, successes, heights,  then I want to say that all things are very important and if it is a soul then its greatest need is peace, patience and bread ,cloth ,and  House.   Man is entangled, he is not getting answers to his question, and he is running from here and there in search of money. Can all the things be obtained with money? Is patience ,peace ,prosperity ,success is due to money.   Today this topic has become very flammable, which is also very important to think.  question also arises as to how the human being should live in the present past or future period, and how should organize his life? "Faliure will never overtake me if my determination to succ


Some tips are being given to make hair healthier and to get thick hair because these tips are is very beneficial for everyone. 1. Mash the two ripe bananas ones and make a mass by sitting with two eggs, apply this mixture in the hair from roots to ends and wash after 45 minutes, hair will shine. 2. Aloe vera gel mixed with lemon juice and one teaspoon olive coconut oil and apply from the roots of the hair to the head, and after half an hour wash with lukewarm water. 3. Add one spoon of honey to half a cup of milk and mix it well in the hair in Bastar. Shampoo it after half an hour, the hair will become soft, you can apply it on the hair twice a week. 4. Apply a mixture of one onion juice and two teaspoons honey and one teaspoon rose water to the hair roots and leave it for 45 minutes and you will see the difference between washing hair yourself.  5. Soak two teaspoons of fenugreek seeds in water overnight and grind in the morning and make a paste by mixing two teaspoons of


Hello Friends, The role that a woman is playing for her family is very important at this time and today I want to give you some thoughts about this subject. The woman is doing all the work at home to teach the children, to wash the kitchen utensils  and all the small things,but today, during this lock down, the responsibilities of the woman has increased even more. Are we not free to say some nice words for that woman?  Can it be said that a woman can be helped,praised or some surprise cannot be given to her? All these questions are arising in the mind of every woman.  At the same time, the responsibility of the home is also being handled, in addition relieving the mental stress of our husbands.  Doesn't every woman have 15 minutes to spare 15 for herself, should she not take care of her health or have some quality time for her, what would you say about this?  I think yes !!  This is important, because no work is small or big, or any work is not impaired whether it is a


दो पल फिर सुकून के, आज फिर मिले मुझे। पंछियों की कुहू की आवाज, कानों में पड़ी मेरे। हवा की सोंधी खुशबू,  ले उड़ी मन को मेरे। आज फिर खुद में गुण,  अवगुण दिखे मुझे। फिर पुरानी पुस्तकें खोली,  गुम हो गई ऐसे उसमें। कहने लगी वे मुझे, शब्दों के रतन को ओढ़ ले। सच में तू खुद को सवार ले, मन के बोझे को उतार ले। निश्चय और दृढ़ता को अपना लें, कुछ कह मत, बस सुना दे। मुस्कुराहट को होठों पर बिठा ले, शब्दों के घुंघरू बांध और नाचले। मन के प्रति द्वंद को हरा दे, खुशबू में खोजा मेरी, प्रकृति मुझसे कहने लगी, आ समां जा मुझमे कहीं। मैं तुझ में हूं यहीं कहीं, कर ले अब सभी गलतियों को सही। दो पल को मुस्कुरा ले गमों को दिल से उतार लें।                                        ✍️  पूनम ✍️✍️


We all have different types of hair,so the oil used in hair should be also different. Some people have  dry hair, some have oily and some have simple hair.Keeping this in mind  We should use hair oil accordingly.Today I am going to tell you what kind of oil should be applied for which type of hair.  Babasoo Oil - This oil is a better alternative to coconut oil, it proves helpful in protecting hair from the harmful rays of the sun. This oil makes hair strong as well as gives them moisture. Not only this, it  helps to improve the health of a scalp .  Olive oil - Olive oil prevents hair fall and breakage and also prevents dandruff, applying it gives shine to the hair. This oil is a bit expensive but very beneficial for hair.  Avocado Oil - Avocado oil prevents hair from getting damaged, contains amino acids and vitamins and maintains the shine of the hair.  Sandalwood oil - Sandalwood oil is very beneficial for dry hair, by mixing sandalwood oil with olive oil, apply it well t

मेरी मां

मां तुम मुझे जानती हो, मेरी हर आहट को पहचानती हो। एक तुम हो जो जिंदगी के हर पहलू, को एक नए नजरिए से दिखाती हो।। यूं तो मैं भी एक मां हूं, पर मेरे दर्द की तुम हो दवा। यूं तो मैं खुद से खफा हूं, पर तुम ही हो मेरी वफा।। मेरे तुम्हारे बीच है एक पाक रिश्ता, तुम हो भगवान, स्वर्ग, और मेरी चेष्टा। तुमने मुझे दिखाया मेरा चेहरा, नटखट, चुलबुली, बेबाक मां पर मत रख पहरा।। जिंदा रखो अपने बचपन को, यह है मेरी मां का कहना। लाख प्रयत्न करें कोई, मत अन्याय को सहना।। कदम रख ले एक नए आसमान पर, पंखों को फैला ले एक नए पायदान पर। हर क्षण को जी ले और हर राह को मोड़ दे, जिसको चाहे तेरा खुदा तू उसको झकझोर दे।। ज्यों पृथ्वी अपनी धुरी पर घूमती है, मेरी जिंदगी भी मेरी मां के इर्द गिर्द ही घूमती है। Happy mother's day to all the lovely mothers.🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹                               ✍️ पूनम ✍️✍️