

It was winter and the king sat in the sunlight to take his meeting so that a little bit could be avoided from the cold and the body would be warmed by the sunlight. Then a guest came to the Rajya Sabha and told the king that I had two stones  One of which is a diamond and a glass in your state, if there is a person who can identify which of the stones in my hand is a diamond and which one is a glass, then I will give this diamond to you  And if he could not tell which of these diamonds are and which one is glass, then I will take money from you equal to diamonds and it will become mine.  This visitor had come through many states and had won a lot of money from them because no one was able to tell which diamond and which glass. The king was very shocked and he began to see that the honor of my kingdom  So, if a person has not told this today, my kingdom will be lost, then at that time the king declared that if a person can tell which of them is a diamond and which glass, the


Today I want to tell you the story of a woman whose life story is very close to my heart, then you are ready, then let's start with her name.  Siya was a very nice woman. She lived in Calcutta. She was slowly getting intoxicated due to which her job ,car and accumulated capital was all seized by the police. She was so tired in her life that she could not recover from this addiction, due to which she had gone to jail 10 times, suddenly there was a change in her life due to which she was inclined towards God, now she has started believing in God and is absorbed in her devotion.  She used to live and whatever she found was considered to be by the grace of God, Siya had to face a police inspector every time she went to jail many times, due to which they both had a confrontation situation. The name of this police spectator was  Vipin.  After a few years, Vipin became very ill and he had a kidney problem. His daughter gave him a kidney but after four to five years he started

हिंदी हैं हम

हिंदी प्रगति का एक सोपान है,  मेरी यह पहचान है। पर कुछ लोग अनजान हैं, बिन हिंदी बेजान है। हिंदी पर हमें नाज है, हम सब को विश्वास है। इसका अपना ही अंदाज है, मधुर इसके अल्फाज है। हिंदी मेरी शान है, बेहद और नादान है। यह मेरा अरमान है कि, देश में प्रयोग हो। तू मेरा फक्र हो, हरदम तेरा जिक्र हो। हिंदी हो सबको प्रिय , हो हिंदी राष्ट्र की जय। बोलचाल में क्यों लगती है, मीठी मेरी हिंदी भाषा। जो है हिंदी से हैअनभिज्ञ, चलो उन्हें भी बता दें हम। मूल हमारी हिंदी है, जात हमारी हिंदी है।                             ✍️ पूनम✍️✍️ आप सभी को हिंदी दिवस की शुभकामनाएं।।।


Flowers look fresh and enhance the beauty of the house. Decorating with fresh flowers, the house looks very beautiful. How to keep fresh flowers used in home decoration for a long time, there are some tips that I will give you  Going to tell  1. Always keep normal temperature water in the residence  2. If the leaves of the flowers kept in the habitat are coming under water, then cut them because these leaves promote microbial growth, which causes stink in the water.  3. Fresh flowers are also kept by putting copper coin or screen shot in the house.  4. Place the flowers near the glass window instead of the hot places, then its freshness is retained for a long time.  5. To keep the rose flowers fresh, cut the stems before submerging them in water, the flowers will remain fresh for a long time.  6. If you have used artificial flowers in home decorating, clean them with raw milk to keep them fresh.  7. Before applying rose buds in the habit, spray a little hair on them.  8. If


खुद को बताने में कि, मैं भी एक इंसान हूं, क्यों लोगों को समझाने में कि, मैं कोई भगवान नहीं, क्यों शब्दकोष कम पड़ जाता है। सुकून के दो पल गुजारने में,  मुझ पर शक हो जाता है, निजी मुद्दों को सुलझाने में, क्यों शब्दकोष सा कम पड़ जाता है। सिर से पल्लू गिर जाने में, अपनी मर्यादा का कायदा समझाने में, क्यों शब्दकोष कम पड़ जाता है। मेरे मन के दो शब्दों को क्यों, तोल मोल के बोलूं मैं? ह्रदय की पीड़ा दर्शाने में क्यों , शब्दकोष कम पड़ जाता है। मेरे बच्चे अब ,मेरे कद से ऊपर हैं, जिंदगी के दायरों से , अपना कद बढ़ाने में क्यों, शब्दकोष कम पड़ जाता है। जीवन ने जीना सिखा दिया, मुश्किल से लड़ना सिखा दिया, हाथों की लकीरें बदल गई। मुझको कोई प्रताड़ित करे, यह मुझे मंजूर नहीं। बेहतर को बेहतरीन बनाने में, क्यों शब्दकोष कम पड़ जाता है। चाहती हूं मैं भी जीना , पर मेरे जीवन का कोई मोल नहीं, संबंधों को मीठा बनानें में, जीवंतता को संबंधों में लाने में क्यों, शब्दकोष कम पड़ जाता है।                           ✍️ पूनम ✍️ ✍️


1.There is only one happiness in life to love and to be loved. 2.Your life is a blessing, don't waste it by being sad. 3.If you fail to achieve your goal, change the strategy, not the goal. 4.Do your karmas and do not have a desire for fruit. 5.There is no such thing as the right time to do something. Start from where you are, start with what you have. Start now. 6.Let a man raise himself by himself let him not lower himself ,for he alone is the friend of of himself. He alone is the enemy of himself. 7.All relationships in this world must end but love for god is eternal and for ever increasing. 8.When you turn your worry into worship Krishna will turn your battles into blessings.  9.You can't force a connection. We need the right people at the right time under the right circumstances through natural vibrations. 10.Detach from Maya and attach to divine.

रेशम की डोरी

एक दूजे की सांसों को बांधे, रोली , चावल ,रेशम के धागे ।। दही का रोली से मिलना, सिखलाए ,एक दूजे में घुलना ।। जलता है, दीपक थाली में , उज्जवल भविष्य की कामना में मैं।। मन ही मन शब्दों को बोलूं, तू मुझे ना भूले, मैं तुझे ना छोड़ूं।।  मिष्ठान से लो करो, मुंह मीठा , चेहरे की रौनक ने मेरे हृदय को जीता।।  चावल के दानों की वर्षा,  भाई तुम पर हो सुख समृद्धि की वर्षा।।  बांध रही हूं हृदय की डोर,  रहे तू तब तक जब तक है मेरी भोर।।  लो आ गई अब मेरी बारी,  कर लो खर्चे की तैयारी।। आप सभी को रक्षाबंधन की बहुत-बहुत शुभकामनाएं।                                     ✍️पूनम ✍️ ✍️