

   This is a story of two friends. All of us             know that  this changes in strong tie       sometimes.    But not necessary that it would be successful all times. When I was 17 I took coaching in class eleventh and there were some other friends of mine with me. As you know concentration  was must in studies in boards. But Something else was happening in our coaching class but no one could understand that what was happening at that time because everyone was busy in  making notes and studies.      In my friend's language this tends happens to everyone sometimes in this age. Ohh ... You can't understand ,can you? this is called love. Do you watch movies? Tell me? Actually Suhana who was our class mate was in love with Vishal. This togetherness and helping nature of Suhana and Vishal brought them near to each other. But Vishal  wanted to express his unconditional love in front of Suhana by proposing her. This month of February is special for each and every person wh


  कुछ बोलती है तुम्हारी आंखें,   जब मैं तुम्हारी बिंदिया को   देखता हूं तब ही शर्मा जाती हैं।    शर्मा कर कुछ ना कह कर  भी    बहुत कुछ कह जाती हैं।     तुम्हारी आंखें तुम्हारी आंखें,     जब मैं अपने हाथों से     इशारा करता हूं तो     किधर की ओर घूम     जाती हैं तुम्हारी आंखें      बातों ही बातों में     नजरों को चुराती हैं     तुम्हारी आंखें सिर्फ तुम्हारी आंखें।      जब भी मैं मुस्कुराता हूं यू     चहचहाती क्यों हैं तुम्हारी      आंखें नजरों के इस      खेल में बस  सहम सी     क्यों जाती हैं तुम्हारी आंखें     जब तुम अपने बालों को सुखाते हुए     बूंदों को गिराती हो तब    क्यों कुछ ढूंढने लग जाती हैं तुम्हारी आंखें  क्या छुपाती हैं सबसे क्या समझ कर  पलकों को बंद कर देती हैं तुम्हारी आंखें आखिर क्या राज छुपाती हैं तुम्हारी आंखें  जब मैं बरसता हूं बादल बनकर क्यों सहन कर जाती हैं  तुम्हारी आंखें कजरे वाली आंखें काली  काली कैसी मतवाली तुम्हारी आंखें भीगी पलकों को रुमाल से पोंछती हैं  फिर से मुस्कुराती हैं तुम्हारी आंखें जब भी मैं कोई गलती बताता हूं तिरछी नजर


 Some times we do notice that,we want earn more than what we are earning.We want to do some special things from which we become famous and more happy. But in our society there are many types of people from them ,we learn how we have to live our lives without spending  more money.           Today , life is full of challenges and efforts. In this machine arena , I met one person,who was simply trying to get some money for fulfilling his daily needs. You are shocked,na, because in this world , where we see engineer, doctor, businesses man, shopkeeper, merchant, teacher, there are kind of interesting people also in this world. These people have small world and small dreams, little money and high thinking. Instead of worst conditions,they fight  with firm will power. You would be surprised to know that I  am talking about a person who is a special one.                    Once a time there was a girl who was eighth baby child of one lady. His husband don't want girl. He  wanted one

आगमन नव वर्ष का

आपको मुबारक हो, साल नया,  गुजर गया,वो साल गया।  अब करें शुरूआत नयी,   काम करें वो,जो है सही।।  दुआ मेरी आप ,खुश रहें सदा,  बीती बातों को,हवा में उड़ा।  निकालें खौफ, मन में भरा,  मीठे बोलों को मुख पर सजा,   न दें खुद से,खुद को सज़ा।।    प्रश्नों को उठने दे मन में न दबा। अनुभवों को प्रयासों में बदल, पथरीली राहों पर  चलता चल । करनी होगी तुझको पहल,  प्रत्येक पल को करके सफल। अपने सवालों का करके हल।। व्यक्तित्व की बनाकर पहचान, कर दे मुझ पर यह एहसान,  स्वयं की खुशियों को करके बया, आप को मुबारक हो साल नया। । मन के दुखों का, करके दमन , खिला, हृदय में मुस्कुराहट का चमन।। मुश्किलों,को करके फना ,खुद को चाह ले , कर बस यह गुनाह ।। नकारात्मक विचारों को, कारागार में करके बंद, खुश रह ना दे खुद को दंड।। बंद मुट्ठी को खोल, तितली को कर दे,रिहा, आपको मुबारक हो साल नया।।  


        It's end  of December and beginning         of new year. There are many little         dreams in the eyes of everyone for          NEW year. As you know that the last         month is December which is mirror         of the last year.ln this year we have to         do lots of things , which we could not         do in the last few years. Now it's time         for, checking inside our hearts that         what we get or what we have lost in         the last few years. Frankly speaking,         we have lost three sixty five days ,in         working, eating, sleeping, playing,and         little bit in enjoying parties, gossiping         and shopping.                      Today is  time of 🤖 robot, fast         moving mashine ,and computer.         All of us know that in this fast moving         life ,we have also move fast to operate         these mashine . For this we have to         keep updated,and this is not  easy job         for one per


     Merry Christmas to all of you,      I am nothing without you .      It's moment of pleasure ,      So, happy,I am,you can't measure.        Santa will come ,      Delicious cake of rum.      Time of gifts,      To young and kids          It's a heart touching moment,      Santa will give you toffee and chocolates      If you are sad,      His magical touch on your head,      Will make you lucky.       It's all about Christmas,       Decorate with love, your X- MAS       Christmas is festival of affection,        So do great celebration.        Be happy,by showing your Christmas        Section.           MERRY CHRISTMAS 🎂🎁🎁🎃🎄🎄

Finding a "Tution teacher" from 12/5/2016

It was the date 12/5/2016 when I left my tutor. As I was shifting to a new city because of my father promotion. It was disappointing to left a teacher who is teaching you from 2 - 3 years.   It's but however I managed  it to do. I was shifted to Bombay it's far from where I shifted. I was living at Bombay comfortably. But after some months..... I saw my tutor at a place eating ice cream but i thought that it was just my imagination. But in further coming months I saw her two more times. Whenever I saw her it make me remember the moments I spent with my tutor especially the one in which we all students gave a surprise to her as it was her birthday that was the most enjoyable moment of that time. I can't forget that!!  It was then I started the search for her. I was wondering that how she came in Bombay and also that she was with a man. I also wandered that that man could be her husband and that she was married because when I left her tution she wasn'