

दो पल फिर सुकून के, आज फिर मिले मुझे। पंछियों की कुहू की आवाज, कानों में पड़ी मेरे। हवा की सोंधी खुशबू,  ले उड़ी मन को मेरे। आज फिर खुद में गुण,  अवगुण दिखे मुझे। फिर पुरानी पुस्तकें खोली,  गुम हो गई ऐसे उसमें। कहने लगी वे मुझे, शब्दों के रतन को ओढ़ ले। सच में तू खुद को सवार ले, मन के बोझे को उतार ले। निश्चय और दृढ़ता को अपना लें, कुछ कह मत, बस सुना दे। मुस्कुराहट को होठों पर बिठा ले, शब्दों के घुंघरू बांध और नाचले। मन के प्रति द्वंद को हरा दे, खुशबू में खोजा मेरी, प्रकृति मुझसे कहने लगी, आ समां जा मुझमे कहीं। मैं तुझ में हूं यहीं कहीं, कर ले अब सभी गलतियों को सही। दो पल को मुस्कुरा ले गमों को दिल से उतार लें।                                        ✍️  पूनम ✍️✍️


We all have different types of hair,so the oil used in hair should be also different. Some people have  dry hair, some have oily and some have simple hair.Keeping this in mind  We should use hair oil accordingly.Today I am going to tell you what kind of oil should be applied for which type of hair.  Babasoo Oil - This oil is a better alternative to coconut oil, it proves helpful in protecting hair from the harmful rays of the sun. This oil makes hair strong as well as gives them moisture. Not only this, it  helps to improve the health of a scalp .  Olive oil - Olive oil prevents hair fall and breakage and also prevents dandruff, applying it gives shine to the hair. This oil is a bit expensive but very beneficial for hair.  Avocado Oil - Avocado oil prevents hair from getting damaged, contains amino acids and vitamins and maintains the shine of the hair.  Sandalwood oil - Sandalwood oil is very beneficial for dry hair, by mixing sandalwood oil with olive oil, apply it well t

मेरी मां

मां तुम मुझे जानती हो, मेरी हर आहट को पहचानती हो। एक तुम हो जो जिंदगी के हर पहलू, को एक नए नजरिए से दिखाती हो।। यूं तो मैं भी एक मां हूं, पर मेरे दर्द की तुम हो दवा। यूं तो मैं खुद से खफा हूं, पर तुम ही हो मेरी वफा।। मेरे तुम्हारे बीच है एक पाक रिश्ता, तुम हो भगवान, स्वर्ग, और मेरी चेष्टा। तुमने मुझे दिखाया मेरा चेहरा, नटखट, चुलबुली, बेबाक मां पर मत रख पहरा।। जिंदा रखो अपने बचपन को, यह है मेरी मां का कहना। लाख प्रयत्न करें कोई, मत अन्याय को सहना।। कदम रख ले एक नए आसमान पर, पंखों को फैला ले एक नए पायदान पर। हर क्षण को जी ले और हर राह को मोड़ दे, जिसको चाहे तेरा खुदा तू उसको झकझोर दे।। ज्यों पृथ्वी अपनी धुरी पर घूमती है, मेरी जिंदगी भी मेरी मां के इर्द गिर्द ही घूमती है। Happy mother's day to all the lovely mothers.🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹                               ✍️ पूनम ✍️✍️


As you all know that lock down is going on, in such a situation, it is very noticeable that our children and how we all spend our time. " DAILY DEEDS DETERMINE DESTINY."  If possible, give children toys and small jobs so that they can stay away from bad habits like TV and mobile.  Play Ludo with the kids.  Snake ladder and carrom board. "DO THE RIGHT THINGS!!"  We should motivate them to play badminton and other games. Most of us know that giving more than 1 hour of television and mobile for children can prove very harmful for their health.  This can cause children to go into depression because the brain they use in these gadgets is also very important for their studies.  "CHILDREN MUST BE  TAUGHT HOW TO THINK NOT WHAT TO THINK."  Children should be asked to do small tasks such as keeping the same thing in the proper place, folding hands in cooking, helping with cleaning, helping to cut salads, and focusing on reading stories and comics. This


Rohan was a successful government guide.  He had a very impressive and beautiful personality.  Lived happily in his family.  Now he was growing up with a girl named Rani.  Gradually the matter reached to marriage.  Apart from being friends, they also started loving each other a lot.  This love between the two was from eyes to heart.  Both of them looked very beautiful.  The families of both of them also agreed and soon they tied the knot.  The marriage had been completed for few months.  The festival of Holi had also arrived.   Rani had mixed with family members, and they too started considering her as an important member of the house.   Rani used to make gujiyas and sweets for Holi.  Rohan had also done all the preparations for Holi.  Rani did not like to play Holi.  But this was well known to her husband Rohan.  On Holi morning, come to Rohan's house to play Holi.  They had a lot of fun with Rohan but his wish was fulfilled only when he would play Holi with Rani too.


Hello !!  All of you.  What are you guys doing at the moment?  I hope all of you are fine.  I know that it has been almost a month in view of this important situation in many countries.  We can only do one thing by following the lockdown rules seriously.  I am very busy at the moment and want you guys to keep yourself busy. At this time it is a challenging task for everyone how they spend their time.  If we spend time happily, we will be able to deal with the corona epidemic.  It is very challenging that we also engage our children in creative and innovative activities.  But how ?  That is what to think. If you ask me, I will say that it is a little easier for me.  Because my son is good at drawing and taking care of plants is his only love. These paintings are made by him as shown in this post.  I want to say that sketching and coloring of him is very impressive. All he needs is a drawing sheet and some crayons or oil pastel colors to make a nice and beautiful painting.


आज की नई सुबह में, जो मैंने मुट्ठी खोली है।। देखकर इस हथेली को, चूमी रेखाओं की टोली है। बदलनी होंगी यह रेखाएं, मिला आज है फिर अवसर।। देनी होगी स्वयं को दिशाएं, कह रहा हूं चेहरे को पढ़कर।। दिशाहीन नहीं है होना, अब नहीं बनना किसी का खिलौना।। रुक कर, थम कर, उठ कर, गिर कर।। खुद ही है, स्वयं को खोजना, अब दूंगा अंजाम उन वादों को।। जो खुद से मैंने कर डाले हैं, पाकर उन मुकामों को, करने अंधेरे में उजाले हैं।।                                ✍️ पूनम✍️✍️