

India have some influential personalities  but our PM Narendra Modi  is a man of  courage,  compassion, conviction, dynamic, dedicated , determined and people's  lovable and best leader.  Actually his way of doing  work,  is easier,  open, transparent  and dependent on non violence. He born Sept 17 , 1950 in a small North Gujarat town  Vadenagar. I  am very  influenced and take  seriously  every decision  of our PM. I hear his talks with democratic indians  in "MANN  KI  BAAT"monthly at sunday on Radio, TV, and on mobile . This  sincere leader  dedicated in solving  every small  and big problem and improving their well being. Our PM is very  active on social  media, including  Facebook, Twitter  Google +, Instagram, Sound cloud, LinkedIn, Weibo, other forums. He begins  his  day with  yoga,and also takes challenges  which are popular  on media also. His ideas of taking  decisions  are much  interesting and influential. We watched  movies but now it is very prou


एक बात जुबां पर आई है,  दर्पण ने वह बात बताई है।  संबंध क्या यह तेरा मेरा,   रिश्ता है तुझसे गहरा।  क्या  सत्यता है बता दे मुझे, प्रतिबिम्ब  को दिखा कर मुझे।  तू मुझे क्या कहना चाहता है?  कैसा गहरा यह नाता है।  बाहरी रुप बहुत सुंदर  है,  जो दिखा  क्या दिल के अंदर है? तन्हा  दिल पूछता है तुझसे ?  कैसा रिश्ता  ये तेरा मुझसे ?  बात न बना मुझसे झूठी,  सुन कर तुझे मैंने  अपनी  आंखे मंदी।  अब तो बता मैं कौन हूं?  रूह की हूं मैं एक आवाज, या कि एक अहसास । मेरे भीतर की गहराई, आसानी से उसने बतलाई। तेरे भीतर भी खुदा सोता है, चेहरा तो बस एक मुखौटा है। जगा दे उस खुदा को तू भी, प्रतिबिम्ब  को नयी राह दिखा दे तू भी। आंसू तुम बहा देना, थोड़ा  सा  मुसकुरा देना। तिरछे मुख बना कर क्या तुम चिढाओगी, तेरे भीतर का आघात, दर्पण  जानता है एक एक बात। अंदर के प्रतिद्वंद्वियों  को तू, पक्ष विपक्ष की जंगों को। दर्पण  को सब बता देना,  घनघोर  घनों को बरसा देना तू । तेरी भावनाओं  को मैं टटोलूंगा, पलों को खंगालूंगा, संभालूगा। एक बार ऐसा झकझोरूंगा, करुंगा प


Without sunscreen, when we go to the sun, our skin burns in danger of changing and deteriorating. If the new low levels of UV reach the skin, then this ray breaks the collagen and causes wrinkles to come. Many people's skin may be black due to late sunlight, due to late sunlight, there is a risk of pigmentation and fine lines. 90% of skin cancer cases are due to UV rays but the good news is that  The skin's risk of skin cancer due to the sun's rays is very low for  Indians. In fact, our bad skin naturally preserves us in the sun, but due to sunlight, the skin remains stained with scarring and pigmentation. BY COCONUT  OIL  - 1.  You can make the best sunscreen with coconut oil at home. For this, add half of its amount of coconut oil to Shia Butter, Zinc Oxide and water. If you want to make it water proof, then get a little mouth in it and mix it well. After that put them in a cool place. BY ALOEVARA 2.Aloe vera juice can be mixed with carrot seeds oil, avoc


It was a beautiful  morning  and  I was preparing   green tea for  me and my husband.  As  usual every morning  he needs  to read  news paper.          Knock -  knock and the door  bell rings. Who is there? Oh!!  Uncle , your newspaper. Raghav  said  - "good morning  uncle".         Oh!  Raghav  today you are  late , what happened? He said , nothing  uncle.      Raghav,   a boy of sweet  nature . Actually  he stolen  my heart  by his pleasing  personality and sweet voice  and lovely  behavior. He is  first  hawker  who is  close  to my heart. Raghav  is B.Sc.,M.Sc boy  about  23 years old. After  completing  his  education  he had started to take part in competitions of government  services. But  he  was  also  doing  a  part  time  job  to fight  with  financial  problems. He was not only intelligent   but hard working  boy.  One day it was  too hot . RAGHAV   was thirsty  and I gave  him a glass   of  water.  He said  that  today   is my  interview  for the 


1. How to make raw coconut out of her milk and apply it on face regularly for 20 minutes You will be left with wrinkles. 2. Diet reduces the antioxidant and reduces the intake of water from the intestines, in which the ginger consumption is rich in antioxidant; For this, grind ginger and mix it with honey and put it in the airtight compartment and keep it in the fridge daily by eating half a teaspoon 27 If you start eating only after age, wrinkles will not come. 3. Almond is rich in folic acid and vitamin C which is beneficial for the skin soak two almonds at night. Take out the peel in the morning and apply it on the face for the last 20 to 30 minutes and wash it with lukewarm water. 4. Put off the cabbage juice on the face and let it dry well. After this wash the face, it causes muscle growth in the face. 5. Vitamin C works better to connect skin cells among themselves. Vitamin-C provides antioxidants to the body as well as to remove toxins from the skin. To get beautifu


Do, something  drastic ! ! ! Don't use plastic . Do something for mother Earth , She has given  us,  new birth. Pollution  is making  her black, And we all are,  taking  earth,  back to death. Save her from  all the  pollutants . Like petrol, diesel, plastic etc and other  dirty  things . FOLLOW   SOMETHING LIKE  RRR , Which  means , reduce,  reuse, recycle every hour. Think of Mother Earth, OK! ! ! Think of  ourselves , our future  generation , and our environment . If we will , do nothing today , because  we can't  change anything , any other  day. We should  never  wait  for the future, As nobody  knows,  what  will  happen, in future, to our  lovely  NATURE. Save our Mother  Earth, Clean the  place  where we live, and the  Earth  on which  we live. We a. are not  helping, ourselves, But helping  our future  generation. Do a great  invention, For our future  Earth  and generation.


Hello  everyone🙏 To  avoid  wrinkles  on your  skin  , it is  important to give  time to exercise . If you want to glow your skin , then you  have  to take a balanced  diet  too .       So ,   in this  post we are  talking  about those women  who  want their  skin to be wrinkles  free. Today  , I am discussing  those  factors , which are related  to skin care .  If you are about 31 years old  then this  post can help you in various ways for  looking  more  young . Exercises  for  your face- 1.Open the mouth as much as possible, then look towards the ceiling. Keep the mouth as it should be for 10 to 20 minutes. Exercise can prove to be the best for Chin. Do this for one to 5 minutes twice a day. 2.Lock your lips with index finger  and fill air in the mouth slowly, take out the air, do it 10 to 15 times . 3.Emphasizing the neck, face back and forth, do it for 1 to 3 minutes. Avoid  junk food  and take  balanced  diet - Take cornflakes , oats,and  museli  for  3 days