

नए वर्ष का स्वागत है, यही मेरी इबादत है। नए वर्ष में हो नई पहल, खिले जिंदगी जैसे पुष्प गुड़हल। आगे बढ़े और बढते जाएं, आशाओं के दीप जलाएं। एक दूजे की मदद को, आगे आगे हाथ बढ़ाएं । दिल से सब को अपनाएं, पक्षियों जैसे चहचहाएं। मन हो आत्मविश्वास से भरपूर, बाधाओं को लांघें जरूर । रूके ना और मुस्कुराए, जीवन पथ पर ना डगमगाए। पहचाने खुद से स्वयं को जरूर, हर क्षण को जीएं भरपूर। आप सभी को नववर्ष की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं।।                                             ✍️पूनम✍️✍️


We eat many fruits and throw their peels in the dustbin, but there are many people who know that a peel is very important and enhances our skin, one of which is orange fruit .  The peel has proved to be very beneficial for our face and skin, for this we have to collect the orange peel and dry the orange peel in the sun and then grind it in a grinder to make powder and mix the orange powder with rose water.  Apply on the face, wash the face after 5 minutes, the difference will be seen on its own.  Make a paste like this by adding two pinches of turmeric and rose water to the orange peel powder, now apply it on the face for 15 minutes and wash it off with cold water.  Aloe vera can also benefit with orange peel.  Mix the aloe vera gel with the powder of orange peel. No need for rose water, apply this paste for 15 minutes and wash it off.  If you have pimples on your face and the skin is more dry then papaya will be beneficial for both of us, then by eating papaya,


Dates are very nutritious, they are made from fiber. . There are many benefits of eating it. You should consume fresh date in the winter season. Let us tell you about its different benifits.  1.If people who have anemia, eat four-five dates daily, then their hemoglobin increases, which means that the date increases the hemoglobin. 2. By eating dates, bones are strengthened. Magnesium is found in high amounts in date dates, it works in the possibility of arthritis of bones.  3.By eating dates cooked in milk, memory also increases and brain starts functioning better.  4.There is no complaint of acidity by eating dates, if two dates are cooked well in a glass of milk and eat in the morning then the body also gets strength. 5. If there is a complaint of constipation, soak dates in milk and drink it an hour before bedtime.  6.Drinking date milk brings strength to pregnant women, weakness is not felt because there is nothing much glucose in it . It is very beneficial for both pre


Once upon a time there was a Pandit who belonged  from middle class family and he used to deposit💰 ₹ 500 every month for his daughter to money lender so that he could get money for his daughter's marriage in the coming years. A few years have passed. Now when it time came for his daughter's marriage, he went to money 💰 lender and expressed his desire to get back the money he had deposited.  You did not submit anything to me, he retracted saying this.  Now Panditji was very sad and upset, he went to the king and told him his problem and asked him to help him so that he gets his money back.  Then the king said do not be sad Pandit ji, do one thing, in morning my palanquin will pass from money lender's house, and you have to stand outside.  Saying this, he assured Panditji.  The next day, Panditji stood near the lender's house. After some time, the king's palanquin passed  and all the people of the village started throwing flowers on him and started putti


Hii everyone💥. On this pious occasion of Deepawali,I want to say happy and prosperous Deepawali to each and every person who is not only my follower but who is waiting for my new post for a  long time. So,readers please shower your love upon me  because this love ❤️ could  become a strong and great  bond between you and me. Further I want to share my preparation and shopping items to you. Because you are my favourite one. I bought two macrame planters on this   occasion to enhance the beauty of my home. I am  very happy to have these planters on the occasion of Deepawali. This was an amazing product and reality is that  it is handmade . I have two rajsthani hanging items which is colourful and very attractive . I am in love to have it. I purchased one buddha fountain which had a very soothing effect on my soul . The sound of water feels like a heart touching effect. I purchased one ganesha for this festival of lig


रात के बाद दिन का आना, सूर्य का निकलना और ढल जाना, फूल का खिलना और गिर जाना, पर्वतों की बर्फ का पिघलना, यही तो परिवर्तन है।। पक्षियों का उड़कर दाना लाना, फिर शाम ढले घोसले में आना, बातों से ही ह्रदय को सहलाना, रोकर हंसना और खिल जाना , यही तो परिवर्तन है।। परिवर्तन को अपना लेना, ज्यादा नहीं तो क्या? थोड़ा तो है ना, परिस्थिति का बदलना , सब एक दूजे से साझा करना, थोड़ा चलना फिर ठहरना, इतना स्वयं को समझा लेना, परिवर्तन का ही तो अभिनंदन है। परिवर्तन को स्वीकारना, मन को धैर्य सिख लाना, जांचना ,परखना और छा जाना, यही तो एक मात्र विकल्प है, परिवर्तन ही मेरा संकल्प है। परिवर्तन ही तो अर्पण है, जीवन है तो फिर मरण है, राहें तो अति सरल हैं, राही का चलना  तो दुर्लभ है , स्वयं को खोना और खोकर पाना , यही तो समर्पण है, जीवन है तो परिवर्तन है, परिवर्तन है तो जीवन है।। आज है शोहरत, थोड़ी सी है मोहलत, बन जाओ सरताज,  कुछ पल की तो है बात, कल फिर आएगा, यह महल भी ढह जाएगा, सपनों से निकलना , वास्तविकता में ढलना, यही सीख तो परिवर्तन है, परिवर्तन है तो जीवन है , जीवन है तो परिवर्तन है।                


Milk is not only good for our health, but it also works to enhance our beauty. Milk is a treasure of our beauty and has many more qualities today.   1. Raw milk is very good for our skin, if it is applied on the skin or applied on the face, it is to provide moisture to the skin as well as keep the pH balanced. The lactic acid present in the sun improves the skin.  . 2. If you want to protect your skin from the scorching heat, then use raw milk, for this, a little date and 5 almonds are needed, grind these into raw milk and prepare a paste and apply it on the face like a mask.  After adding scrubbed, wash with water after 20 minutes, skin tone will increase. 3. If you have dark skin then raw milk is very useful for this. 4. Milk also reduces the oily substance coming out of the face, for this, add sandalwood in raw milk and with the help of them apply on the face, wash the face when it is dry.  5.If you have stains on your face, then milk is also very useful for this. Mix a