

सरहदें कब तक रहेंगी, ये तेरे मेरे बीच ।। आकर कुछ तो बोल , मन में मीठे रस घोल।। जो तू ना कह पाई, तेरी आंखों ने कह दिया।। तूने ही मेरे जीवन को संगीत और लय दिया। छोड़ दे दुनिया को , बात कर हमारी ।। वफा को करके देख , छोड़ दे दुनियादारी ।। अब समझा वह आंखों की बातें , मत रख अपने बीच वो बुनियादें ।। आंखें सच कहती हैं , लफ्जों का क्या कहूं? तेरे मेरे बीच के,  अफसानों का क्या करूं?  कब आओगी मेरे पास? कहीं रह ना जाए अधूरी ये आस।।

अपना ख्याल रखना

एक इंजेक्शन का सवाल है, ऐसा सब का ख्याल है।। हर दिन अफरा-तफरी है, जान हलक में अटकी है।। आज सबको मिलकर फिर से उठना है, हाथ मदद को बढ़ाने हैं, साकार करना सपना है।। खुशियां खुद में ढूंढनी हैं, कोरोना पहेली बूझनी है।। नियमों और सावधानी का रखना है ख्याल,  अच्छे से हाथ धोना और मास्क लगा कर रखना है यार।। कोरोना तो एक बहाना है, वक्त को नहीं गंवाना  है।। शंकाओं को कर लो दूर, बातें सबसे कर लो भरपूर।। खुश हो लो और मुस्कुरा दो, गम को अश्कों में बहा दो।। कह लो, सुन लो ,लड़ लो,झगड़ लो, गम में मुस्कुरा लो यह पल कल हो ना, हो।। साहस का परिचय है देना, धैर्य को बना लो अपना गहना।। समय का नहीं है कुछ पता, कर लो एक छोटी सी खता।। सांस भर लो और बोझ गिरा दो, अपने आशियाने में प्यार का दीपक जला लो।।                                       ✍️पूनम✍️✍️

Power of words

Once upon a time there were two brothers Bhavesh and Shivesh who used to live together.  Once a fight broke out between the two brothers.  Bhavesh called Shivesh and there was an argument between them.  Bhavesh uttered some abusive words to his younger brother.  Now Bhavesh became restless in his mind because there was a lot of love between the two brothers but when the fight started, they started to hate each other. Now his restlessness was not ending. He was getting minded from all this.  He could not understand, how to cure his restlessness? How to divert  his mind?   The problem was very serious.  He wanted to be busy with his work.  But the restlessness in his mind was such that he was not forgetting that fight.  Then he remembered his guru ji and started thinking in his mind that maybe my guru ji would be able to find a solution to this problem. He went to his guru ji. Guruji was feeding pigeons in his hut. He asked Bhavesh  Tell me why did you come?  So Bhavesh said,

Benefits of curd

There are many benefits of eating curd. It is very important to eat curd in the summer because it brings freshness in the body. All the big householders advise us to eat yogurt. Consuming three quarters cup of curd gives 3.5 grams fats , 20 grams of sugar, 100 to 150  calories , to 10 grams of protein, along with it, calcium in the body and vitamin D deficiency also goes away. In terms of nutrients, curd is very rich if you eat curd.  If you do not like it, then you can use it in your diet in many ways like Raita, shakes, baby food ,soup ,sweets, Sandwiches in any form.yogurt can be part of the diet in many ways.  increases immunity-  Many types of bacteria are found in curd, due to their presence, the immunity in the body becomes strong and by consuming curd, our body is saved from infections and diseases.  Strengthening of bones and teeth  The daily intake of what calcium and phosphorus are found in curd can prevent the diseases of Artharitis  and osteoporosis

I love writing

Hello guyz, Today is a very special day because this day  we were  tied in a relationship by a blog named RAY OF HOPE.  Today is 29 th April, a day when I started writing this blog . On this day I came with different stories, poetries, travel,and beauty tips in front of you. Nowadays I feel there is something very beautiful & special between you & me. I feel empty within me till I  do not post any article  on your favourite blog RAY OF HOPE. My blog RAY OF HOPE is like a colourful rainbow 🌈. There are many shades in my blog which make it very different and  impressive. So,I thought my cake should be colorful and beautiful as life is.  So , on 29 th April I bought a rainbow cake with the name RAY OF HOPE written on it. Cake was very delicious 🎂. It has been 3 years  since I started writing it. I am sharing with you Some pics and videos . I wanted to celebrate R & H's birthday because  someone is reading my b


रात घोर अंधियारी है,  छिपा एक शातिर खिलाड़ी है । दिखता नहीं भरमाता है, जाने कहां से आ जाता है? रात को गुजरना होगा । मानव तुझे ठहरना होगा । सब कर्मों का फेर है , इसी कारण यह अंधेर है। खुद को हमें बदलना होगा, मानव तुमको आगे बढ़ना होगा। अब भी नहीं कुछ बिगड़ा है, प्रकृति से यह कैसा झगड़ा है? झगड़े को निबटाना है तो, नई पहर को लाना होगा । खौंफ यह दर्दनाक है, श्मशानों में दहकती आग है।  अश्रु यह सूख जाएंगे, जब तक हम समाधान कर पाएंगे। परंतु घर ना बने शमशान ये है मेरा फरमान यह। खतरों से जूझना है तो, फिर से पैरों पर खड़े होना। मुंह पर मास्क जरूर लगाना।  हैंडवाश से हाथ धोना। दो गज की दूरी रखना,  आज तो बहुत जरूरी है। हर दिन एक पेड़ लगाना है, पानी बचाना मजबूरी है। हे!प्रकृति , मेरी सांसे लौटा देना, बस और नहीं है अब मुझे यह सहना।                      ✍️पूनम✍️✍️


"Happy moments Happy thoughts Happy dreams Happy feelings Happy Birthday." Today is a special day.Any guesses???Dear friends today is my birthday but you  will read my post on the next day.  Today is my birthday but in agra  there is a lockdown. So,how can I celebrate my birthday without outings ,going to temples ,gifts, and parties? I didn't know that on my birthday there would be a complete lockdown. But well said "where there is will there is a way." I wanted to make my birthday a special one 😂. So,I  decided that I will make special breakfast,lunch ,and dinner for my family.I knew that it would  give me more satisfaction and happiness.  On that day, when I opened my eyes then I saw that my husband baked a lovely eggless vanilla cake for me.  After some time my 8 year daughter came into the kitchen and she decorated my cake on its own with the help of munches and fruit jam.So, for me this cake was very special because it was cooked &a